MEANS Retreat 2015

Called to Serve PRAY. That God will be glorified in our midst; for His presence and power of the Holy Spirit and that all will come back refreshed, encouraged to continue in serving the Lord.  Safe travel and protection – We will all be traveling from different states: California, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois. Pray for... Continue Reading →

Gleanings: MEANS Retreat 2014

BE Bold. Take Risk. Each year we have our annual retreat to be refreshed and nourished.   It is interesting to discover that the flavor of each retreat is different. God the Holy Spirit works in various ways to meet what we need most in every retreat. This year, many of us were again blessed. I... Continue Reading →

Typhoon Haiyan Recovery Initiatives at MEANS

Give the gift of HOPE. These are the MEANS initiatives to help children heal and recover from the trauma  caused by Typhoon Haiyan. These initiatives will empower  our ministry partners in the Philippines  to enable them   demonstrate Jesus' compassion for the children. Small Steps. Big Impact. Great Rewards. Feed Projects – This is a fun... Continue Reading →

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